How to start in retail?

How to start in retail?

The world of retail is vast and is a great business full of opportunities and tools that offer so much variety that it can sometimes be overwhelming for the entrepreneur. Therefore, we bring you the best points to start with in retail.

What we will share with you are not only tools but also concepts that you must fulfill or understand clearly to become a very good brand and to be easily identified in retail.

1- Value Proposition

Often, we see multiple brands in the market that do not have a clear or significant value proposition. Therefore, it’s important that when you create a product and enter the world of retail, it comes with a strong and clear value proposition.

2- Omnichannel Brand

Becoming an omnichannel brand is not difficult, but it does require meticulous and careful work, paying special attention to how you will communicate on each channel. Being an omnichannel brand means that you appear clearly and relevantly on any medium where you are communicating.

3- Ecommerce or Online Stores

When you start in the world of retail nowadays, one of the elements you must consider to achieve your goals and start selling is having an online store. Users shop online, and it’s a channel that is constantly growing, and today the investment is low thanks to tools like Shopify or Wix where you can create your website without needing to know how to program.

4- Google Merchant and Meta Merchant

Starting in the world of retail is not easy, and getting into big chains is not either, but entering Meta Merchant and Google Merchant is completely free; you just need a bit of work and to have your online store.

Having these tools will not only allow you to have a new point of sale but also greater exposure that might increase your sales by making it easier for users to buy.

5- TikTok for Positioning

We know that networks are important, not only Instagram and Facebook but also TikTok. Do not disregard any because it is important to consider that a good way to make your brand known is by taking advantage of the trends that exist and creating videos that share about the product you are selling. Soon TikTok Shop will arrive in Latin America and Mexico, where you can sell through live streams.

6- Data for Improvement

In the digital era, the use of data is not exclusive to large companies; you can use data even as a small business or even as someone who has just started. If you know how to properly handle digital tools, you can have data from your buyers from the use of CRM like HubSpot to web tools like Google Analytics, Clarity, or even use the data that Meta gives you, like Meta Library Ads to see your competitors’ ads.

7- Mercado Libre and Amazon

Entering these platforms is easy, mastering them is difficult. Although the commission is high, they are excellent for new products on the market because they allow buyers who may be a bit afraid to buy from them directly to have the opportunity to purchase on the platform thanks to the platforms protecting you against any problem.

These points are extremely important to start in the world of retail. If you manage to do good work on them, you will achieve good brand positioning and growth of your product in a way that you did not expect. We hope they will be useful.

Welcome to the new norm.

Graphic System

Graphic System

Creating a marketing campaign involves many aspects, one of the most important being design. Being crucial and the first to catch the eye, it becomes an element that must be handled with great care, and for this, we have graphic systems.

What is a graphic system?

A graphic system refers to all the aesthetic elements that accompany a brand and everything that happens around it. Creating a brand with many graphic elements that comply with specific color schemes, shapes, and figures that can be identified as part of the brand is essential.

Having a brand with an extensive graphic system is fundamental for achieving good results because when the brand is poor in terms of graphic system, it becomes monotonous and boring.

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A deficient graphic system can be a significant problem since if it is not a structured and clear graphic system, every content or artistic piece we generate will not seem to be from the same brand, and on the contrary, it will appear as different brands, which can cause problems of brand identification and positioning.

Having a clear, functional, and extensive graphic system allows us to create graphic pieces that adapt to the various communication channels we have, thus ensuring that your campaigns adapt efficiently and clearly regardless of the formats, thanks to the variety of formats that the brand will have in communication.

que es un sistema grafico, blank studio, blnk, blink, blank
Un sistema gráfico hace referencia a todos los elementos estéticos que acompañan a una marca y todo lo que sucede a su alrededor.

Benefits of a Good Graphic System

Top of Mind

Having a good graphic system will enable you to have very good communication with your users. Not only that, if done correctly, it will make them remember you more often.


Graphic systems are useful so that within your content and publications you do not have to put the logo everywhere and look like a cheap brand, but rather, they recognize you simply by your photographic style quickly.


Having a complete and extensive graphic system that truly complies with a clear structure will give your brand a touch of professionalism that you cannot acquire in any other way.

Is your graphic system extensive and clear, or do you just create what you think will work at the moment?

Welcome to the new norm.

Purchase Decision Process

Purchase Decision Process

The purchase process for a user is the same at all times, but it can last months, years, or happen in seconds. This purchase process occurs daily, and we often don’t even see it happening; it occurs without us thinking about it.

What is the Purchase Process?

The purchase process is what the consumer does before, during, and at the time of acquiring a service or product, and the process can occur over a long period of time or in a very short period. Knowing this purchase process, identifying it, and aligning it with your sales funnel is essential to achieve a good purchasing experience and good objectives.

Consumer behavior is the understanding and analysis of the factors that influence the behavior of a market when buying a product or service. To better understand it, it’s how a person decides based on time, money, and effort factors to meet their consumption needs.

It’s not just about knowing how and why the consumer buys, but also understanding how the stages of the purchase work.

What are the stages of the purchase process?

Learning and Discovery

This stage of the purchase process begins when the user is not so sure that they have a problem, referring even to a need. At this point, they just begin to see which companies exist and which ones catch their attention more.

Problem Recognition

In the user’s purchase process, problem recognition is the basis for there being a need to buy. The recognition that there is a need to cover a need or a problem occurs at this moment, this need can be self-generated or induced by companies through marketing and that’s when the real search begins.

Solution Consideration

At this point in the purchase process, the user is reviewing and evaluating the possible brands or companies from which they can buy, starting to research and inquire more deeply into the benefits each one offers.

Purchase Decision

When the customer reaches this point, there is no turning back; the user has already decided to make the purchase of the desired product or service knowing exactly the benefit they expect to obtain.

If at the last point of the purchase process the consumer does not get what they expected, there is a great possibility of disappointment and as we know this causes us not only to lose a customer, but they spread the word, something that would be completely opposite if this customer receives more than what they expected.

It is important to highlight other instances that have to do with the purchase process or that help you speed up the same. For example, when a user wants to buy something, they look for the product they want to acquire to have validity, whether real or not, and that it really works for what they want, and to help them with this, a very good tool is to use comments or reviews.

Sell More with Comments and Reviews

Comments and reviews can help you sell many more products, thanks to the fact that even though your product looks impeccable, your site is perfect, and you promise everything, even though it is true, your word is all they see, so having comments is of utmost importance to allow users to validate if the information is true through the experience of other consumers.

Encouraging reviews is necessary and useful, to achieve it you can carry out various strategies:

Strategies to Encourage Reviews on Your Products

Discounts for Reviews

When you manage to sell a product, you can offer users discounts on their next purchases in exchange for a review on your website or in your restaurant, even if you sell through platforms like Mercado Libre or Amazon.

Unforgettable Experience

Ensure that the process of purchasing and obtaining the product provides the user with an excellent experience so that the user’s emotion is expressed in a good review.

Email Marketing for Reviews

You can directly request the review right after they have made the purchase by sending the email directly to the users and receiving the invitation to give a review.

Using comments in your purchase process is essential and understanding that this is directly related to the sales funnel and managing to link these two to understand and solve the real problems of the customers and convince them is something that will optimize your brand and your business.

Have you ever noticed these points from your purchases or do you overlook them? What do you think about these steps we live without realizing it?

Welcome to the new norm.

What is Emotional Branding?

What is Emotional Branding?

Today, everyone wants to grab the public’s attention and be immediately recognized, which is why they constantly create strategies and changes. However, they often overlook one of the strongest tools for marketing: emotion.

Thanks to the study of neuromarketing, we have identified that most of our purchases are based on emotions and we do not rationalize them until later. As a brand, using emotions to our advantage will allow us to achieve unexpected results.

What is Emotional Branding?

Emotional branding, or emotional marketing, involves a series of actions that emotionally engage the consumer, thus creating a relationship between the product and the consumer. Emotional marketing aims to create content that appeals to and connects with the consumer’s mood.

The use of emotional marketing is employed for advertising campaigns and, as the name suggests, branding is a series of actions. It’s complicated to achieve with a single action since each advertisement, each campaign builds that link with the brand to later achieve conversion.

Emotional marketing is not new; it has been around for 20 years since it was first mentioned by Marc Gobe in the book Emotional Branding.

Emotional Branding and Maslow’s Pyramid

Maslow’s Pyramid shows how we behave and what the needs of human beings are. This pyramid indicates that we cannot climb the ladder until we have met the objectives of each step. Applied in marketing, Apple has been a brand that has managed to create emotional branding working from the same pyramid, not linearly, but every time it finds the opportunity, it appeals to one of the essential points of the pyramid.

Emotional branding will help you achieve greater user retention and increase the return on investment for your business.

Components of Emotional Marketing

Emotional marketing must fall into one of the following archetypes to really know that we have achieved the goal. These archetypes were identified with quantitative research by the marketing agency MVLM:

With the use of the product or brand, you will be able to improve, whether physically, emotionally, intellectually, or economically, no matter which, as long as you become better.

The product or service meets expectations and not only that, it exceeds them, leading the user to an unforgettable experience.

When the brand integrates into the user’s daily life to the extent that it becomes a ritual for the user.


When the brand connects with the user’s memories being associated with strong feelings, this is achieved with products with which a person grows up.

When the brand becomes part of the identity of a person or a culture is when it begins to resonate strongly with the market.

Emotional Branding Appeals to ETHOS, PATHOS, and LOGOS

When we manage to balance these three points is when a brand becomes emotional and strong. These techniques are characterized by these three rhetorical arguments:


Appeals to Credibility Achieve credibility by assuring users that what you say and offer is true. Ethos in branding or emotional marketing can come in different forms, from expert quotes to testimonials, you can also use case studies or even give examples of how things have been achieved in the industry with your product or service.


Appeals to Empathy Pathos motivates the consumer to take action with a sense of urgency, with the idea that they might miss the opportunity to obtain it or not belong to a group. You must be careful that the user does not feel that they are being manipulated.


Appeals to Logic and Reason The most persuasive pillar of the three and most dependent on the rest. Showing only facts, statistics, or product improvements is usually not what drives the user to buy, but showing them what your product can do for them and achieving empathetic communication to appeal to their logic is where you will find results.

By applying emotional branding, you will achieve results that you did not expect, from greater brand acceptance to an increase in your ROI, all thanks to emotional branding. If you manage to appeal to emotions and do good work with your clients, you will achieve a brand that endures over time.


What is Email Marketing?

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a tool for mass emailing and creating marketing campaigns. It is used to send emails with relevant information to the recipient, resulting in excellent results for your business.

Email marketing works for all types of businesses, being one of the most important in B2B, although it is also relevant in B2C. In B2B, you can achieve greater results.

Email marketing is one of the most relevant and efficient tools, more so than social media. According to McKinsey, it is 40 times more effective than Twitter or Facebook and has a 59% impact on the purchasing decision, as we know thanks to a study conducted by Sale Cycle.

These numbers are no coincidence; the effectiveness of email marketing is due to a simple fact: it achieves great results. When we look at an email marketing message, we have all our attention focused on that alone, unlike social networks, where there are other ads and things happening around, thanks to the little distraction that we get these results.

Email marketing is used for multiple types of campaigns; here we leave you a few ideas to take advantage of:

Launching new products or services

Create email marketing for each new product you generate and show your previous and future buyers the new launches. Make sure to include a quick purchase button.

New prospects or leads

We can create a campaign to attract new prospects or leads by sending them a series of emails trying to contact them and achieve a conversation with them that allows us to have a good interaction and relationship.

Abandoned carts

If you have an online store, you can register all the people who have tried to buy in your online store and forgot something in the cart; they probably forgot what they were going to buy. With an email marketing strategy focused on abandoned carts, you can remind them that they forgot something so they complete the purchase.


If you have special promotions for an event, you can invite your buyers and/or users through email marketing; this will keep them informed about what’s new in your store.


This one is fun and exciting because if your company is used to creating content or you have relevant news constantly, you can create a newsletter where you keep all your users informed about the latest in your business and relevant news.

These are some of the actions you can perform to achieve good results in email marketing. It is important to know how to apply them and identify the ideal moments. Another thing to consider is that we must have our database, and if it is an external database, we must request permission to send these emails because if you do not do it, you can have problems with the users.

It’s time for you to start sending your email marketing.