
Email marketing is a tool for mass emailing and creating marketing campaigns. It is used to send emails with relevant information to the recipient, resulting in excellent results for your business.

Email marketing works for all types of businesses, being one of the most important in B2B, although it is also relevant in B2C. In B2B, you can achieve greater results.

Email marketing is one of the most relevant and efficient tools, more so than social media. According to McKinsey, it is 40 times more effective than Twitter or Facebook and has a 59% impact on the purchasing decision, as we know thanks to a study conducted by Sale Cycle.

These numbers are no coincidence; the effectiveness of email marketing is due to a simple fact: it achieves great results. When we look at an email marketing message, we have all our attention focused on that alone, unlike social networks, where there are other ads and things happening around, thanks to the little distraction that we get these results.

Email marketing is used for multiple types of campaigns; here we leave you a few ideas to take advantage of:

Launching new products or services

Create email marketing for each new product you generate and show your previous and future buyers the new launches. Make sure to include a quick purchase button.

New prospects or leads

We can create a campaign to attract new prospects or leads by sending them a series of emails trying to contact them and achieve a conversation with them that allows us to have a good interaction and relationship.

Abandoned carts

If you have an online store, you can register all the people who have tried to buy in your online store and forgot something in the cart; they probably forgot what they were going to buy. With an email marketing strategy focused on abandoned carts, you can remind them that they forgot something so they complete the purchase.


If you have special promotions for an event, you can invite your buyers and/or users through email marketing; this will keep them informed about what’s new in your store.


This one is fun and exciting because if your company is used to creating content or you have relevant news constantly, you can create a newsletter where you keep all your users informed about the latest in your business and relevant news.

These are some of the actions you can perform to achieve good results in email marketing. It is important to know how to apply them and identify the ideal moments. Another thing to consider is that we must have our database, and if it is an external database, we must request permission to send these emails because if you do not do it, you can have problems with the users.

It’s time for you to start sending your email marketing.