
The Hot Sale is excellent because it benefits thousands of businesses, and this event occurs every year to encourage and boost online product sales. Having good strategies for the Hot Sale is crucial to increase your sales; the Hot Sale is designed for Mexico and Latin America.

What is the Hot Sale?

The Hot Sale is an event that promotes online product sales and is designed to boost e-commerce and benefit thousands of brands and businesses in Mexico and Latin America.

This event generates an economic impact of 29,949 million pesos, according to 2023 data. You can read the full AMVO report here.

This event is driven by the Mexican Association of Online Sellers (AMVO), which has over 600 registered brands.

Should I participate in the Hot Sale?

If you have online sales, it’s important to know that participating in the Hot Sale is necessary because it will bring you many benefits:

  • It allows you to increase your average ticket size.
  • It increases your potential customers.
  • It improves your community.
  • You achieve better visibility.

Here are some tips to start participating in the Hot Sale and make your participation effective:

Analyze your competitors

Identify all your competitors and what they have done for the Hot Sale, and see if there’s anything you can learn about what not to do or how to propose something better.

Pre-plan your Hot Sale

Plan your marketing strategy for your Hot Sale, thinking from the discounts you will offer to the marketing strategy itself.

Publish before the Hot Sale

Announce that you will be participating in the Hot Sale in advance and what they will be able to purchase so that your users are prepared to participate.

The Hot Sale is a great opportunity to push your brand to a new level and attract new customers who, if you do it right, could become regular customers. Are you already participating in the Hot Sale?

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