What is Gamification

What is Gamification

What we call gamification is a marketing tool that uses video game mechanics or gaming elements to evoke a sense of competition among users. With this tool, you should be able to increase user loyalty and participation.

Gamification allows you to motivate people, helping them to focus and set goals, achieving game values that help foster loyalty. The gamification technique in marketing aids in the commitment to a service or product.

Gamification is useful for various aspects of brands, not just for marketing and retaining customers, but also in internal communication and HR marketing, achieving employee loyalty within the company.

Many companies apply gamification systems, but they are so well executed that we might not notice them or engage with them very naturally. Some of these brands are:

Starbucks Gamification

With its Starbucks card or app, it uses Starbucks rewards and the data it collects from each user to give them a unique gamification experience, rewarding users based on their purchases.

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Mercado Libre Gamification

Mercado Libre encourages purchases through levels. With each purchase, Mercado Libre awards points, and with these points, you level up. Each level offers more benefits, from free shipping to additional services.

marketing, mercadotecnia, monterrey, blank, blnk, gamification, blog marketing

Nike Run Gamification

The Nike Run app, one of my favorites, gives rewards for every micro-achievement, from running on Sunday to only running at night or in the morning, with increasingly complex challenges and digital medals that motivate you to run more.

marketing, mercadotecnia, monterrey, blank, blnk, gamification, blog marketing

As you can see, gamification marketing is not only a tool many companies use but also very useful. Gamification uses various tools:

Elements of Gamification

  • Competition Having users compete against each other is fundamental for a sense of achievement as they progress and motivates users to surpass themselves.
  • Achievements Every time a user reaches a goal, the gamification system awards medals, titles, or virtual badges to show off their achievements.
  • Points and Rewards Every time a user achieves something, they are awarded points related to the challenges or goals, leading to rewards like discounts, content, digital or virtual prizes, etc.

Clearly, all these elements of gamification can be delivered through digital or physical means as your brand requires, to achieve the best results. Gamification is a marketing strategy that will help you measure and improve strategies while also motivating and driving users to commit to the actions you propose and need them to achieve.

Welcome to the new norm.

The Super Bowl 2024 Commercials

The Super Bowl 2024 Commercials

As I know nothing about American football, every year the Super Bowl happens, I prefer to focus on what I do know and like: the commercials or the marketing. So, like every year, we bring you the commercials we liked the most from the Super Bowl 2024.

Good or bad, every year the Super Bowl commercials surprise us for better or worse, or just by the great artists they manage to get and even greater the productions they make for this event. Here are the 5 most interesting commercials from this Super Bowl:

Mountain Dew Commercial Super Bowl 2024

Featuring my crush Aubrey Plaza and leveraging her public persona characterized by being very indifferent and not paying much attention to things, comes the commercial she developed with Mountain Dew.

Squarespace Commercial Super Bowl 2024

Squarespace, a management tool, and in this beautiful commercial where aliens are invading the planet, but since everyone is on their phone, they don’t pay attention until the aliens make a website, showing the importance of having a website. If you still don’t have one, you can make it with the best marketing agency in Monterrey, BLNK 😉 😉

Google Pixel SB Commercial Super Bowl 2024

This commercial is very nice because it shows how the cell phone interacts with the user’s daily life and how having a cell phone impacts their life.

Dunkin Donuts Commercial Super Bowl 2024

We all love donuts, and in this delicious Dunkin Donuts commercial, we see Ben Affleck trying to impress Jennifer Lopez with the collaboration of Tom Brady and Matt Damon.

E*Trade Commercial Super Bowl 2024

A trading company with digital tools mocks the sport of pickleball, which is like tennis with small rackets, while talking about their finances, demonstrating how easy the sport is, just like managing your finances.

These commercials are not as interesting as they used to be, nor are they as fun and innovative as they were. Currently, few companies manage to make an impact. I believe this is something we will continue to see as they create commercials with decent narratives, and occasionally we will have very interesting commercials.

What do you think of the Super Bowl 2024 commercials? Did you like them, or were they as disappointing as the halftime show?


Marketing with Videos

Marketing with Videos

When we start marketing for our business, the question arises whether we should make videos for our brand, and the answer is yes…

That’s the simple answer, but the complex answer is also yes, because video in marketing, since its inception, has been the strongest and most aggressive tool for campaigns. Today, it is not just the strongest tool but the most basic one. This is thanks to applications and smartphones that have enabled any user to access video tools.

Having access to video tools and platforms is not everything. Nowadays, centennials use TikTok as a search platform, leading Google to consider indexing TikToks. This means that when you perform a search on Google, there is a high likelihood that TikToks will be offered as part of the results.

Having the tools and applications to make videos is not the only thing you need. You also need to create extraordinary and unique narratives, as nowadays everyone can tell when a brand is trying to sell something. Therefore, it’s better to use more natural strategies that fit the community you are targeting.

This is the long answer to tell and indicate that you really do need to consider making videos for your marketing. If your brand isn’t using videos in its strategy, you are making big mistakes. Remember, you don’t need big productions to achieve your goals.


5 Web Design Trends for 2024

5 Web Design Trends for 2024

When working on web design, the most important thing is to keep it updated and meet user expectations at the time. A website is no longer just for larger companies; it’s a standard for all businesses. To help you create and improve your website, we bring you the top trends to consider in 2024.


We already know that our websites should generate interactions and animations. Now, microinteractions are emerging, which give small animations to buttons or areas without needing to be too aggressive or strong.

tendencias web 2024, mercadotecnia digital, marketing blnk, marketing monterrey, mercadotecnia, tendencias web
tendencias web 2024, mercadotecnia digital, marketing blnk, marketing monterrey, mercadotecnia, tendencias web
tendencias web 2024, mercadotecnia digital, marketing blnk, marketing monterrey, mercadotecnia, tendencias web

Fast Loading

Although this area is not strictly design but programming, you shouldn’t design an extraordinary website without considering high-quality programming. More than a trend, it is a necessity to have websites that load quickly and are efficient in their data usage.

Mobile First

In the 2024 design trends, don’t just think about designing responsive sites—that’s already basic. What we need is for websites to be thought of and designed first for mobile and then for desktop.

3D Elements

In your web designs for this year, consider using 3D designs to give more interactivity and dynamism to the websites.

Top 10 Tendencias de diseño web para el 2023

Different Typography

Prepare for bold and different web designs in 2024 with the use of exotic and purposeful typography that will create a strong and unique impact on our users, thus offering them a unique and different experience.

Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey
Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey
Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey

Were you already aware of these trends or were there some you didn’t know about? Tell us if you have applied any of them or if you want to apply them.

Welcome to the new norm.

9 Graphic Design Trends for 2024

9 Graphic Design Trends for 2024

As one year goes and another comes, beautiful designs emerge and others fade away. Like every year, we bring you the trends to watch out for in 2024 so you can create designs that are up-to-date, or at least not think you’ve invented something new.

The 2024 trends are varied, with some already evolving from 2023. To stay on top of the newest and most modern, here are the 10 graphic design trends for 2024:

Retro Flat

Flat design, something we thought was disappearing, is making a revolutionary comeback with a more interesting and fun style. It brings the aesthetics of the ’60s and ’70s into a flatter, simpler approach, using vibrant colors, versatile fonts, and elements that evoke that era.

Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey
Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey
Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey
Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey

AI Design

While many oppose it, others leverage the tools, but it’s a fact that AI-driven design is here to stay. The integration of artificial intelligence into the design workflow will see substantial growth in 2024, accelerating trends and unveiling designs never seen before.

Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey
Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey

Oversaturated Designs

Graphic design in 2024 will be quite interesting, with the use of oversaturated design in compositions. These should be artworks filled with graphics and details that complement and enhance the messages with vibrant and varied colors, using all available space to capture your attention for longer, allowing you to discover each detail.

Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey
Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey
Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey

Bold Typography

Typography, the most basic tool of graphic design, is evolving. Conventional fonts are giving way to more adventurous and different ones. We’re seeing a trend of very organic to futuristic fonts. The possibilities are broad, and the boldest formats are expanding their reach with enormous and audacious typefaces that can make a significant impact on your brand.

Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey
Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey
Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey
Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey

Minimalism is Back

Minimalism has never disappeared, but sometimes it fades among the multitude of projects that don’t apply this style. However, “less is more,” simplicity, and elegance, and 2024 brings a trend of minimalism with a push through experimental fonts that will dominate the pieces and achieve a new minimalist essence.

Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey
Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey
Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey
Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey

Animated Design

Everything moves in video or animations, and one of the 2024 graphic design trends will be the use of very simple and small moving designs to attract attention.

Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey

’90s Psychedelia

Arts with ’90s-style psychedelia will be one of the tools used in graphic design for 2024. With futuristic design and neon colors, we might see this trend in arts for posters, billboards, and other interesting spaces.

Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey
Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey
Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey
Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey


The use of texture in illustrations will be a daily bread for graphic illustrations, giving them a particular and different style from what we have been seeing, thus breathing new life into flat line illustrations.

Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey
Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey
Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey


This trend combines elements of flat design with skeuomorphism, referring to designs with soft shadows and skeuomorphic elements that bring multiple ornaments for a more realistic and interesting design.

Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey
Diseño grafico, tendencias 2024, tendencias diseño grafico 2024, blnk, blank studio, diseño monterrey, mercadotecnia monterrey

We should work with these trending graphic design proposals for 2024 to achieve great results with our clients and prospects. Remember, trends are not law and don’t mean you must use them; they should only be used when they work.

Welcome to the new norm.