
When we start in digital marketing, it can be overwhelming with all the communication channels available, but don’t worry, each channel has a purpose and functionality. If you are wondering, “What is the best social network for my brand?”, here, we’ll tell you what you can use each for. We won’t cover all of them, but we will address the most common and easiest to use.

First, let’s list the channels we’ll discuss today: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, email, and website. There are many more, but these are the most common ones you can start using.


Although everyone wants to seem too cool for Facebook, it remains one of the most used platforms today. It can help you maintain informal communication, but more importantly, it’s one of the platforms that best aids conversion or sales for online stores, ideal for generating and distributing videos.

A great tool for diversifying your campaigns and trying new things, not just for B2C but also for B2B. If done right, it can yield excellent prospects and sales. Additionally, What is the best social network for my brand is a common question, and Facebook often ranks high for its versatility.


Facebook’s cooler sibling, this platform allows you to be a bit more informal and fun. You can communicate your daily activities and run clear campaigns that attract a more demanding audience. You can afford to relax your communication here, share your day-to-day in reels, keep people informed about your brand with stories and carousels. When wondering, "What is the best social network for my brand?”, Instagram often comes up for its visual appeal and engagement.


This social network is coming on strong. It’s common to fear it because of the ages of its users, but 71% of TikTok users are between 18 and 34 years old. If your audience isn’t in this age range, well, they’ll grow into it eventually. TikTok is ideal for gaining new audiences and positioning your brand. Allow yourself to be fun and different; the more casual, the better. When asking What is the best social network for my brand, TikTok might be ideal for reaching younger demographics.


The corporate buddy, on this social network you should share work events you attend, achievements, and if you can post videos or articles, they are super useful for your organic positioning. It’s a great tool for business positioning and very useful for B2B, though it’s also good for B2C.


While easy to use and allows for mass messaging, it’s very private for the user. It’s important to be careful with the communication we make through this medium and when we do it, we seek prior user authorization to start anything here. Ideal for informing about new discounts, shipping guides, or any other type of information.


Email is ideal for more formal or slightly more intrusive communication. From cold prospecting to email marketing with relevant information for users, it’s a very good tool as if they open the email, they are completely captivated and only read your information. Is email the best social network for my brand? While not a social network per se, it serves a complementary role.


A website is essential today. A basic for starting a business, having a website allows you to communicate and sell, especially if it’s an e-commerce. The website is ideal for sharing news, discounts, or writing about topics relevant to your business or users. This is a basic for all types of businesses.

These are some of the communication channels you can use, though there are more in this era like Yelp, YouTube, Eventbrite, and many more channels. We can’t cover everything, but we can tell you that it’s important to have direct communication spaces with your users and customers. So, when considering What is the best social network for my brand, think about what aligns most with your goals. Do you already have some of them or what are you waiting for?