
How many times have you entered a store or searched online for a product, purchased these products, and then, perhaps without knowing why, you find yourself not wanting to shop there again, whether it’s a physical or online store, even though you liked the product and it met your expectations? This could be because the user experience was not ideal or had details that led to this feeling.

What is user experience?

When we talk about user experience, we refer to all the small details that make the user’s interaction with the brand a unique and unforgettable moment. For this experience to be truly unforgettable, it must consider all aspects of the visit, physical or virtual, and details without any failures or causing the user to have a bad time or even a negative feeling.

Today, it’s not only necessary to have a product or service that fulfills expectations—everyone does that, and it’s a standard, no longer a differentiator nor will it help you sell better. What we need to do now is create unique and unforgettable experiences that take your customer to another emotional place, something that makes them remember their experience with your brand.

How to create an unforgettable experience

When we talk about experiences, we must remember that people learn and remember in different ways. Some people are more visual, auditory, or kinesthetic than others, so if we design experiences that involve all five senses with which we experience life, there’s a higher likelihood of staying in their memory more positively.

Design experiences that encompass all five senses:






Each of these should be considered in our experiences to cover every learning style of our users. It’s important to clarify, even though it may seem obvious, that this is intended for physical mediums; you must consider that it changes for digital mediums. Would you like to learn more about UX for digital mediums?